January 21, 2013   |   By Taking Root

About our Mixed Species Plantation method…

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January 21, 2013   |   By Taking Root

About our Mixed Species Plantation method…

When planting trees with local farmers in San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua, Taking Root uses three different reforestation methods: Mixed-Species plantation, Boundary planting and Silvopastoral.

Farmers who use the Mixed Species Plantation method plant and intensively manage a multi-purposed mixed species forest on their own land. We have worked with the community to specifically select species are indigenous to the area and were once found or are still found within the municipality of Limay.

Farmers plant alternating rows of fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing species and longer-lived hardwood species. The fast-growing species are planted closely together (1.5 metres) and the longer-lived species are planted 3 metres apart.

In our project we recognize the importance of building a harmonious and sustainable relationship between the community members and their natural environment. So, this planting method is designed to provide the following ecological and economic benefits in the short, medium and long term:

Short-term benefits: Our farmers plant the trees at a high density. This means there are more trees to sequester carbon in a shorter amount of time. Since our farmers receive payments for this fantastic ecosystem service, this means they receive greater payments than if there were fewer trees. The fast-growing trees also release nitrogen into the soil and prevent soil erosion.

Medium-term benefits: After 8-12 years, many of these trees will be so big that they crowd each other out! At this time, farmers are able to thin out the nitrogen-fixing species, which actually regrow quickly when they are coppiced. These trees provide farmers with a valuable source of construction material and fuel-wood, and discourages them from cutting down other forests to meet their needs. Farmers can also sell them locally and earn an additional income.

Long-term benefits: As the stands grow and regenerate, farmers continue to make occasional thinnings so as to give enough space for the existing trees as they grow. This also provides farmers with additional wood and fuel that can be used or sold. The longer-lived trees are very valuable in that they provide seeds, fruit and habitat for local flora and fauna. They will also produce highly valued timber, which can be sustainably harvested by the farmers and sold.

This process allows natural regeneration to take place and, over time, our farmers’ forests increase in structural and ecological diversity.

Taking Root’s purpose is to accelerate the restoration of the world’s forests. We enable smallholder farmers to grow trees and earn money from the carbon they remove from the atmosphere. Our technology and support make it simple for our reforestation partners to create transparent and robust forest carbon removals. From registering farmers and recruiting land, to monitoring trees grown and the carbon stored over time, we provide the tools at every step of the way to help our partners successfully manage and scale their carbon projects. Recognized for its best practices by the UN, EU and World Economic Forum, Taking Root is connecting thousands of farmers to the carbon market, improving their livelihoods by restoring forests around the world.

Taking Root’s purpose is to accelerate the restoration of the world’s forests. We enable smallholder farmers to grow trees and earn money from the carbon they remove from the atmosphere. Our technology and support make it simple for our reforestation partners to create transparent and robust forest carbon removals. From registering farmers and recruiting land, to monitoring trees grown and the carbon stored over time, we provide the tools at every step of the way to help our partners successfully manage and scale their carbon projects. Recognized for its best practices by the UN, EU and World Economic Forum, Taking Root is connecting thousands of farmers to the carbon market, improving their livelihoods by restoring forests around the world.